1. No he fallado. Acabo de encontrar 10 mil maneras que no funcionan – Thomas Edison
2. El único lugar en el que éxito viene antes que trabajo es en el diccionario – Vidal Sassoon
3. Ser un emprendedor es vivir unos años como otros no lo harán, para vivir el resto de sus vidas como otros no podrán – Anónimo
4. La mejor razón para crear una empresa es para tener un impacto: crear un producto o servicio que haga del mundo un lugar mejor – Guy Kawasaki
5. Cada logro -sea grande o pequeño- tiene etapas de esclavitud y de triunfo; un comienzo, una lucha, una victoria – Mahatma Gandhi
6. El fracaso derrota a los perdedores, e inspira a los ganadores – Robert Kiyosaki
7. Los emprendedores promedian 3.8 fracasos antes de alcanzar el éxito. Lo que diferencia a los que tienen éxito es su extraordinaria persistencia – Lisa Amos
8. El día que decidas conformarte con el segundo puesto, eso es lo que te pasará en la vida – John F. Kennedy
9. Al prepararme para las batallas siempre me ha parecido que los planes son inútiles, pero el planeamiento es indispensable – Dwight Eisenhower
10. El mejor premio de volverte un millonario no es la cantidad de dinero que ganas. Es la clase de persona en la que te tienes que convertir para lograr ser millonario – Jim Rohn
11. Algunas personas sueñan con grandes logros, mientras que otros no duermen cumpliéndolos – Anónimo
12. La experiencia me ha enseñado unas cuantas cosas. Una es seguir tus instintos, sin importar cuán bien suene algo en el papel. La segunda es que a veces es mejor guiarse por lo que uno conoce. Y la tercera es que a veces las mejores inversiones son aquellas que no haces – Donald Trump
13. El emprendedor en nosotros ve oportunidades en cada lugar que mira, pero muchas personas sólo ven problemas a dónde sea que miren. El emprendedor en nosotros está más preocupado por descartar oportunidades que fallando en descubrirlas – Michael Gerber
14. Un emprendedor suele morder más de lo que puede masticar, con la esperanza de pronto aprender cómo masticarlo – Roy Ash
15. El ingrediente básico es mover ese trasero y empezar a actuar. Es tan simple como eso. Muchas personas tienen ideas, pero pocas deciden hacer algo al respecto hoy. No mañana. No la próxima semana. Hoy. El verdadero emprendedor no es un soñador, es un hacedor – Nolan Bushnell
16. Yo les voy a decir cómo ser ricos. Cierren sus puertas. Sean temerosos cuando otros son codiciosos. Sean codiciosos cuando otros sean temerosos – Warren Buffet
17. Nunca he perfeccionado un invento en el que no pensara en términos de su utilidad para los demás… Averiguo qué necesita el mundo, luego procedo a inventar – Thomas Edison
18. Dentro de veinte años, estarás más decepcionados por las cosas que no hiciste que por las que decidiste hacer. Así que suelta las amarras, empieza a navegar y aprovecha los vientos a tu favor. Explora. Sueña. Descubre – Mark Twain
19. Existe una marea en los asuntos de los hombres, que, tomada en pleamar, conduce a la fortuna; pero, omitida, todo el viaje de la vida va circuido de escollos y desgracias. En esa pleamar flotamos ahora, y debemos aprovechar la corriente cuando es favorable o perder las empresas que tenemos ante nosotros – William Shakespeare
20. El genio es 1% de inspiración y 99% de sudor – Thomas Edison
21. Esa mujer cree en ti , esta segura que vas a lograrlo. Ella te ama estará contigo en la buenas y en las malas. - Leslye Campero.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Coca Cola's Roberto Goizueta
Roberto Goizueta was the Chairman and CEO of the Coca Cola Company from 1980 until his death from lung cancer in 1997. He was born in Cuba in 1930. He got his bachelor's degree from Yale University. After finishing his bacherlor's degree he went back to Cuba, and applied to a newspaper want-add from the Coca Cola Company in 1954. He was hired and worked at the Coca Company Company until he was chosen as the CEO and Chairman of the company in 1980 when the company had a market value of $us 4.2 billion dollars. When he died in 1997, the company had a market value of $us 150 billion dollars. No other company in the world has had such a growth in 17 years - which happened while Roberto Goizueta lead it. How did he do it?
In an interview in 1991, he was asked this question by Linda O'Brien of the Nightly Business Report, and here are his answers:
* "You have been managing this company for now 10 years, how has the company changed in that time?" Linda O'Brien.
* "Well, first if I may correct your question a little bit, I would like to say I've been LEADING the company, THERE ARE VERY FEW THINGS I MANAGE, BY ENLARGE, THE ONLY THING I MANAGE IS THE ALLOCATION OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES. In 1980 we were a company which was an American company headquartered in Atlanta that had a sizable international business, today we are an international company that happens to be headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia." "... last year we sold about 1/3 of (our sales) in this country, 2/3 internationally, in this country we hold a market share of 41% versus our main domestic competitor (Pepsi) 33%. Internationally we have 46% market share, but 5 billion people live outside of this country... consequently its obvious that the growth potential is much more outside of this country." Roberto Goizueta.
* "So how do you lead this company?" Linda O'Brien.
* "Well, you do that by doing 3 things: First of all, you have to take ultimate responsibility for the FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE of the company. Secondly, you have to take ultimate responsibility for the CHARACTER of the company. Third, you have to take ultimate responsibility for LEADERSHIP. That in a nutshell, is the job of the Chief Executive, and it's not more than that. It's rather simple if you have a good team to be the captain of, and we are very fortunate we have a terrific team at the Coca Cola Company!" Roberto Goizueta.
In an interview in 1991, he was asked this question by Linda O'Brien of the Nightly Business Report, and here are his answers:
* "You have been managing this company for now 10 years, how has the company changed in that time?" Linda O'Brien.
* "Well, first if I may correct your question a little bit, I would like to say I've been LEADING the company, THERE ARE VERY FEW THINGS I MANAGE, BY ENLARGE, THE ONLY THING I MANAGE IS THE ALLOCATION OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES. In 1980 we were a company which was an American company headquartered in Atlanta that had a sizable international business, today we are an international company that happens to be headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia." "... last year we sold about 1/3 of (our sales) in this country, 2/3 internationally, in this country we hold a market share of 41% versus our main domestic competitor (Pepsi) 33%. Internationally we have 46% market share, but 5 billion people live outside of this country... consequently its obvious that the growth potential is much more outside of this country." Roberto Goizueta.
* "So how do you lead this company?" Linda O'Brien.
* "Well, you do that by doing 3 things: First of all, you have to take ultimate responsibility for the FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE of the company. Secondly, you have to take ultimate responsibility for the CHARACTER of the company. Third, you have to take ultimate responsibility for LEADERSHIP. That in a nutshell, is the job of the Chief Executive, and it's not more than that. It's rather simple if you have a good team to be the captain of, and we are very fortunate we have a terrific team at the Coca Cola Company!" Roberto Goizueta.
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