Friday, August 13, 2010

Knowing a little about a lot

The great Inventor and entrepreneur, Henry Ford was once accused of being uneducated and rather than feel offended he posed a challenge telling his accusers to ask him any question whatsoever. With every question asked, Henry Ford simply called upon any of his workers who was qualified enough academically to answer the questions. On answering all the questions through his workers, his accusers claimed to have proved their allegations of Henry Ford’s illiteracy. Henry Ford smiling made a profound statement which will never go down in history; “I don’t bother to do the work anyone can do, I do the hardest work of all–thinking, which only a few men can do.” The few men who can think are those who become business owners employing those who cannot think but simply follow orders. Your key task as a businessman or woman lies in these words: directing human activities. And only those who know how to think can direct those who don’t think. To do this, you have to know a little about a lot (versatility) and employ those who know a lot about a few (specialization).

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