Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Anecdote of George Patton

General George Patton who, beginning in 1942, single-handedly liberated North Africa including Morrocco and Tunisia from the Nazis and Italians, went on to liberate Sicily and Italy, and then France, Luxemburg, Belgium, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and the rest of the European nations until he arrived at Germany; in this process he killed 55% of the German army (1,500,000 sodiers), and took the country. On his final approach to take Berlin, he received word from his superior, General Omar Bradley, that he was not to take the German city of Trier since to take this city, he needed three divisions, and Patton had only two. So, General Bradley told Patton to hold off from taking the city of Trier, but Patton, as was his way, had already taken that city and replied to Bradley, "Have already taken Trier, do you want me to give it back?"

Taken in part from the Book: Buck Up, Suck Up... and Come Back When You Foul Up. By James Carville and Paul Begala.

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