Friday, August 13, 2010



From ENTREPRENEUR: Person who starts a new organization.

Entrepreneurship is the act of being an entrepreneur, which is a French word meaning "one who undertakes innovations, finance and business acumen in an effort to transform innovations into economic goods". This may result in new organizations or may be part of revitalizing mature organizations in response to a perceived opportunity. The most obvious form of entrepreneurship is that of starting new businesses.

Success they say is a lazy teacher who makes her student complacent and comfortable. The best time to examine your business and seek ways for improvement isn’t when it’s declining, but rather when it is booming. A businessman or woman who desires success in business must deliberately seek out more and more ways of improving their business operations, products or services long before it becomes an emergency. Entrepreneurship is not a destination one is heading to, but a journey one embarks on; it has no end but death. In other words, there is no stationary spot or a point for resting on one’s laurels. Areas through which improvements can be channeled includes; business processes or systems, cost of production or cost of service delivery, product or service features and benefits, human resources, research and development, customer relationship management, finance, distribution etc. Remember, “opportunity is a haughty goddess who wastes no time with those who are unprepared”. Now, not later or tomorrow, is always the time to make room for improvement!

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